Now it`s finally spring in Paris, the trees are getting green and I can see some flowers outside, not only on Rockefår clothing. I startet on this dress while I was making this because I had several ideas, but was stopped by problems with application and sewing stitches and I throw it away. I made a new front helped by vlieseline stickvlies.
Stoff: Gul isoli og hvit ribb fra S&S og vintage putevar fra Fretex. Knapper kjøpt i Oslo og S&S.
Størrelse: kan brukes veldig lenge. Fra 4 år som kjole, og oppover til minst 7-8 år som tunika
Pris: kr 375,- (+porto)
Fabric: 100% cotton from norwegian fabric store, (yellow and white), and vintage pillowcase.
Size: From 4 years to at least 7-8 years (first as a dress and later as a tunic)
Price: Euro 47,- (+porto)
Pyntet med 3 blomster med knapp som ekstra detalj bak på kjolen
3 flowers with buttons at the back for an added detail.
"Prikken over i`en" med en matchende knappeblomst foran...
A little extra with a matching flower button in front.....
Herlig, sprek og vårlig kjole!